姓 名:孙 勇
职 称:副教授

1. 复分析及其应用
2. 平面调和映射
1. 2015年获博士研究生国家奖学金
2. 湖南工程学院2018年度考核优秀
1. 湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目:复平面上的单叶调和映射的若干性质研究(编号:18B388), 2018.09~2021.8, 主持
2.湖南工程学院国家预研项目: 几类单叶调和映射的性质研究,2018~2020, 主持
1.Yong Sun, Zhi-Gang Wang, Antti Rasila, Janusz Sokol, On a subclass of starlike functions associated with a vertical strip domain,Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2019 (2019), Article 35, 1-14.(SCI)
2.Yong Sun, Zhi-Gang Wang, Antti Rasila, On third Hankel determinants for subclasses of analytic functions and close-to-convex harmonic mappings,Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 2018, DOI: 10.15672/HJMS.2018.632, 1-11.(SCI)
3.Yong Sun, Yue-Ping Jiang, Antti Rasila, H. M. Srivastava, Integral representations and coefficient estimates for a subclass of meromorphic starlike functions,Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 2017, 11(1): 1-19.(SCI)
4.Yong Sun, Yue-Ping Jiang, Antti Rasila, On a subclass of close-to-convex harmonic mappings,Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 2016, 61(12): 1627-1643.(SCI)
5.Yong Sun, Antti Rasila, Yue-Ping Jiang, Linear combinations of harmonic quasiconformal mappings convex in one direction,Kodai Mathematical Journal, 2016, 39(2): 366-377.(SCI)
6.Yong Sun, Yue-Ping Jiang, Antti Rasila, Coefficient estimates for certain subclasses of analytic and bi-univalent functions,Filomat, 2015, 29(2): 351-360.(SCI)
7.Yue-Ping Jiang, Antti Rasila,Yong Sun, A note on convexity of convolutions of harmonic mappings,Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 52(6) (2015), 1925-1935. (SCI)
8.Yong Sun, Yue-Ping Jiang, Zhi-Hong Liu, Some subclasses of meromorphic multivalent functions involving a generalized differential operator,Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 43(3) (2014), 435-449. (SCI)
9.Yong Sun, Wei-Ping Kuang, Zhi-Gang Wang, On meromorphic starlike functions of reciprocal order alpha,Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 35(2) (2012), 469-477. (SCI)
10.Yong Sun, Wei-Ping Kuang, Zhi-Gang Wang, Properties of uniformly starlike and related functions under the Srivastava-Attiya operator,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218 (2011), 3615-3623. (SCI)
11.Yong Sun, Wei-Ping Kuang, Zhi-Hong Liu, Subordination and superordination results for the family of Jung-Kim-Srivastava integral operators,Filomat, 24 (2010) , 69--85. (SCI)
12.Yong Sun, Yue-Ping Jiang, Zhi-Gang Wang, On the convex combinations of slanted half-plane harmonic mappings,Journal of Mathematics Analysis, 6(3)(2015), 46-50.
13.Yong Sun, Kuang Wei-Ping, Subordination and superordination results associated with a linear operator,General Mathematics, 19(1)(2011), 45-57.
14.Yong Sun, Kuang Wei-Ping, Zhi-Gang Wang, M. Darus, Further properties of certain subclasses of multivalent analytic functions,General Mathematics, 19(2)(2011), 117-129.
15.Yong Sun, Wei-Ping Kuang, Rui Xiao, Neighborhoods and partial sums of certain subclass of analytic functions,Acta Universitatis Apulensis, 26(2011), 217-224.
16.Yong Sun, Wei-Ping Kuang, Zhi-Gang Wang, Coefficient inequalities for certain classes of analytic functions involvingSalagean operator,Acta Universitatis Apulensis, 21(2010), 105-112.