姓 名: 阳卫锋
职 称: 教授

阳卫锋,男,汉族,1977年生,中共党员,博士,教授。美国数学评论员,湘潭市首批高层次人才(D类)。从事生物与环境数据统计、函数论的研究。在Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution、中国数学进展、Applied Mathematics and Computation、Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics、Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society等国内外期刊上发表学术论文26篇,被SCI收录16篇,总被引用300余次。主持湖南省自然科学基金项目2项,湖南省教育厅基金项目2项。指导学生获国家级科技创新项目1项。
1996.09-2000.06 就读于湘潭大学数学与应用数学专业,获学士学位.
2012.09-2016.07 就读于湘潭大学统计学专业,获博士学位
2017.07-2017.08 中国科学院昆明植物研究所访问学者
2003.07-至今 湖南工程学院理学院
1. 生物与环境数据统计
2. 函数论
1. 湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目(编号:16B061):高阶马尔科夫模型在模体发现中的应用, 2016-2019, 主持
2. 湖南省自然科学联合基金项目(编号:2016JJ6029): 加权微分复合算子及其在复微分方程中的应用, 2016-2018, 主持
3. 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目(编号:13JJ4099): 函数空间上复合算子空间的拓扑结构, 2013-2015, 主持
4. 湖南省教育厅一般项目(编号:06C245):超越亚纯函数的牛顿法, 2006-2009, 主持;
5. 湖南工程学院博士启动金项目:Volterra复积分方程解的增长性和复振荡, 2017-2020, 主持
[15]阳卫锋,复微分方程解的增长性及解在若干函数空间的条件,数学物理学报,2020,40A(6): 1481-1491.
[14] Weifeng Yang, Guoshen Han and Xiaoqiang Xie, A new text representation method for clustering based on higher order Markov model, 2nd International Conference on Information System & Data Mining (ICISDM 2018) Florida Polytechnic University, Florida, USA, 2018.
[13] Wei-Feng Yang, Zu-Guo,Yu Vo Anh, Whole genome/proteome based phylogeny reconstruction for prokaryotes using higher order Markov model and chaos game representation, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2016, 96: 102-111.
[12] Xian-Hua Xie, Zu-Guo Yu, Guo-Sheng Hana, Wei-Feng Yang, Vo Anh, Whole-proteome based phylogenetic tree construction with inter-amino-acid distances and the conditional geometric distribution profiles, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2015, 89:37-45.
[11] Weifeng Yang, The products of differentiation and composition operators on Bloch type spaces, Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2016, 8(3): 25-34.
[10] Weifeng Yang, Yiping Luo and Xiangling Zhu, Differences of generalized composition operators between Bloch type spaces, Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, 2014, 17(3): 977-987.
[9] Weifeng Yang, Xiangling Zhu, Differences of Generalized Weighted Composition Operators Between Growth Spaces, Ann. Polon. Math., 2014, 112: 67-83.
[8] Xiangling Zhu, Weifeng Yang. Differences of composition operators from weighted Bergman spaces to Bloch spaces. Filomat, 2014, 28(9): 1935-1941.
[7] Weifeng Yang Xiangling Zhu, Generalized weighted composition operators from area Nevanlinna spaces to Bloch-type spaces, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 2012, 16(3) : 869-883.
[6] Weifeng Yang, Generalized weighted composition operators from the F (p, q, s) space to the Bloch-type space, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012, 218(9): 4967-4972.
[5] Weifeng Yang,Composition operators from F (p, q, s) spaces to the nth Weighted-type spaces on the unit disc, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011, 218(4): 1443-1448.
[4] Weifeng Yang, Weiren Yan, Generalized weighted composition operators from area Nevanlinna spaces to weighted-type spaces, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 2011, 48(6): 1195-1205.
[3] Weifeng Yang, Symmetries of the Julia Sets of Newton’s Method for multiple root , Applied Mathematics and Computation , 2010, 217(6) : 2490-2494.
[2] Weifeng Yang, On an integral-type operator between Bloch-type spaces, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2009, 215(3): 954-960.
[1] 阳卫锋,李颖,龚志民,有限个有理函数的随机复动力系统的Julia集, 中国数学进展,2004, 33(4): 447-452.